VBS 2024 Childcare Registration

June 17-21, 2024, 9:00am - 12:00pm | Childcare is provided for VBS volunteers with children younger than 3 years of age while they are working at VBS. You may purchase a shirt for your child for $10 if you so choose. The smallest size available is usually XS, but we have done amazing things making them fit even babies in the past!
Please select one option.
Please select one option.

Please select one option.

Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.

Please select one option.
Parent/Guardian- please read the following and initial in the boxes if you agree.


No payment is required, however you may choose to purchase a tshirt and/or contribute to our healthy snack fund which is optional, but helpful.


June 17-21, 2024, 9:00am - 12:00pm
Childcare is provided for VBS volunteers with children younger than 3 years of age while they are working at VBS. You may purchase a shirt for your child for $10 if you so choose. The smallest size available is usually XS, but we have done amazing things making them fit even babies in the past!